Water it is the most abundant substance on our planet. 75% of its surface is water and not consumed because it is always becoming liquid, solid or gaseous.
Approximately 70% of human body weight is water.
Is a bipolar molecule composed of two atoms of hydrogen (H2) of positive valence and an atom of oxygen (O) negative valence, behaving like a magnet with a positive and a negative, and is guided by the electromagnetic field of the environment with molecules of other substances, collecting and storing information for everything that happens around him. Water acts as a magnetic tape recording everything it sees, hears and feels.

These changes are seen in the boiling temperature, electrical conductivity, density, surface tension and viscosity, keeping these new properties for several days.
If we put a container of water inside a pyramid for 24 hours, this water will be charged magnetism transmitting the pyramidal field and acquire the same therapeutic properties: bacteriostatic, antirheumatic, antiinflammatory, analgesic, anti-aging and antioxidant.
And you can do at home with your own Pyramid !!
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